
Coit Road is the major north-south thoroughfare. The shopping center is centrally located to each of the major expressways: Arapaho connects to the Dallas North Tollway and Central Expressway, and Coit Road connects to George Bush Turnpike and LBJ Freeway. This allows for easy access to Downtown Dallas, Plano, Garland, Addison, Allen and other suburbs. There is an estimated population of 147,000 residents within a three mile radius of the Shopping Center.
The typical resident has a median age of 40 years, is a native English speaker with some college background or a bachelor’s degree, is a homeowner with a family and is estimated to earn over $100,000 yearly. The median home value is $286,000.
The communities immediately adjacent to the Shopping Center include established neighborhoods with an abundance of parks, churches and a full range of schools in the Richardson Independent School District.
1 Mile 15,198
3 Miles 147,367
5 Miles 396,190
1 Mile 10,417
3 Miles 129,653
5 Miles 483,467
1 Mile $145,342
3 Miles $104,106
5 Miles $106,135
Coit Rd 50,000 VPD
Arapaho Rd 29,000 VPD
Tayo, Pharmacy Manager
Esther, Tailor
“We’re proud of our history here and feel a deep loyalty to the neighborhood around us and to our existing tenants. That’s why before we sign a contract with a tenant, we always ask ourselves one question: Will this tenant benefit our community?”
Mailing address: P.O. Box 836110, Richardson TX 75083
Monday-Thursday: 9:00-5:00